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Research in Italy

Research Organizations

The Italian national research system consists of a network of both public and private entities engaged in scientific and technological research and aims to advance innovation and knowledge in different fields. At the top of this system is the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), an Italian government department tasked with overseeing university governance as well as scientific and technological research and manages the Italian research and innovation (R&I) strategy as well. The primary goal is to boost the creation of new knowledge, enhance skills, and drive the development of innovative products and production processes that contribute to economic growth and societal progress. For a detailed overview of Italy's national research system, visit the ResearchItaly website.   

The Italian Higher Education System

Italy's higher education system includes 99 primarily state-run universities, seven universities of excellence, non-state universities, and newer online institutions. High schools for linguistic mediators (SSML) award first- and second-level degrees. 

Italian higher education has a binary system and consists of two main sectors:

  • the university sector, that is made up of more than 90 universities
  • the non-university sector, that includes 4 education typologies: higher schools of Arts, higher education in language mediation, higher integrated education - FIS (e.g. higher technical education, etc.) and specific fields (e.g. diplomatic, archiving, restoration, military studies, etc.)

Network & Clusters

The following development models have been identified in Italy to enhance relations among different actors involved in the research sector and to strengthen partnership and cooperation between public and private bodies and among training, research and innovation.

The union of Italia Startup and APSTI has led to the creation of InnovUp, an association that brings together Italy’s innovation ecosystem, uniting startups, scaleups, innovative SMEs, innovation centers, science and technology parks, incubators, accelerators, startup studios, crowdfunding platforms, enablers, professional firms, and large companies. 

National Research Programme 2021-2027

Italy has published its National Research Programme (NRP, 2021-2027), which is divided into system priorities, major areas of R&I and related areas of focus, national plans, and missions. The system priorities are designed to consolidate the strengths and overcome the weaknesses of the Italian research system. There are six core focus areas reflecting the six clusters of Horizon Europe while taking into consideration the National Strategy for Smart Specialisation. Research and innovation activities are also broadly aligned with the national context articulated through consultation with and contributions from the administrations involved.